Constitutional Analysis

V is for VATA, P is for PITTA, and K is for KAPHA.

You can fill in the Dosha Quiz below and I will let you know your results.

Or if you’d prefer to find out for yourself:

Mark V, P, & K on a sheet of paper and with every question mark whichever letter feels most appropriate. The letter/s with the most marks is more than likely your predominant dosha.



V—Unusually tall or short, thin; poorly developed physique

P—Medium; moderately developed physique

K—Stout, stocky, short, big; well-developed physique 

Vata people are usually taller or shorter than the average. Most extreme types in height are characteristically Vata. But they will usually be thin as well. Kapha people are sometimes tall but will still tend to be stocky or big in build and hold weight. Pitta types may be revealed by other factors, like appetite, as they fall in between the two. 


V—Low, hard to hold weight, prominent veins and bones

P—Moderate, good muscles

K—Heavy, tends towards obesity

Vata people can be obese but will usually have variable weight gain and weight loss, with spongy tissues. Generally, they cannot hold much weight even if they eat excessively. Kapha types may not be heavy but will have to struggle to keep their weight down, as they easily accumulate fat and water. Pitta types usually stay at an even weight even if they are heavy eaters, though too much red meat or greasy food can make them overweight as well. 


V—Dull, brown, darkish

P—Red, ruddy, flushed, glowing

K—White, pale

Vata types tend to lack in lustre and have a darkish or dull tinge to the complexion. Pitta types are easily flushed and hot. Light appears to come forth from their skin. Kapha types have a white or pearly type complexion.


V—Thin, dry, cold, rough, cracked, prominent veins

P—Warm, moist, pink, with moles, freckles, acne

K—Thick, white, moist, cold, soft, smooth

Pitta types sunburn easily and commonly suffer from skin rashes or sores, including acne; though these may arise temporarily from impure blood in any of the Doshas. Their skin will be warm to the touch. Vata types are plagued with chronic dry skin and hair, with wrinkles, cracks or fissures. Their skin will be cold, dry and not very thick. Kapha types have oily skin and hair and much subcutaneous fat or edema. To the touch, their skin will be cool, damp or soggy.


V—Scanty, coarse, dry, brown, slightly wavy

P—Moderate, fine, soft, early gray or bald

K—Abundant, oily, thick, very wavy, lustrous

It is more the lustre, texture and quality of the hair that is significant. Pitta types tend to bald or gray early but the head will be ruddy or sensitive to sun. But Vata types, with their poor nutrition, may bald early and often have dandruff. They will be sensitive to wind and the head will have a dull tinge to its color. Kapha types have attractive, abundant, thick hair but sometimes may have excessive body hair.


V—Small, thin, long, unsteady

P—Moderate, angular

K—Large, stocky, steady, square, round

 The movements of the head may be more important than the size. Vata types tend towards a stiff neck and rigidity of the head or excess mobility on the other hand. Their head movements are not necessarily more frequent but are more erratic. Kapha types have the least head movements and usually have more square heads. Pitta falls in between.


V—Small, wrinkled

P—With folds

K—Large, broad


V—Thin, small, long, wrinkled, dusky, dull

P—Moderate, ruddy, sharp contours

K—Large, round, fat, white or pale, soft contours

Kapha people, particularly women, often have a typical large, round or moon face. Pitta types have more angular features and a penetrating look. Vata types look more gaunt or weathered. The color and complexion of the face can be judged by the same factors as that of the body.


V—Small, dry, thin, brown, dull, unsteady

P—Medium, thin, red (inflamed easily), green, piercing

K—Wide, prominent, thick, oily, white, attractive

The eyes are another important indicator. Pitta types have piercing and penetrating eyes, but are sensitive to light, develop photophobic headaches and commonly need glasses and sunglasses.Kapha types have big, wide, pearly attractive eyes and big lashes and brows. They also cry easily and may have mucus discharges in the eye. Their eye movements are steady but not sharp. Vata types may suffer from blinking (usually from dryness of the eyes) or tremors of the eyes and excessive or erratic eye movement. It is hard for them to concentrate their eyes on any point for very long.


V—Thin, small, long, dry, crooked


K—Thick, big, firm, oily

The nose varies according to racial characteristics, but can still be of some help in determining constitution. Size and breadth is the main thing, as well as complexion. Pitta has a sharp or pointed nose; a long, narrow and pointed nose is Vata. A Kapha nose has wide nostrils.


V—Thin, small, darkish, dry, unsteady

P—Medium, soft, red

K—Thick, large, oily, smooth, firm


V—Thin, dry, small, rough, crooked, receding gums

P—Medium, soft, pink, gums bleed easily

K—Large, thick, soft, pink, oily

The state of the mouth is variable according to diet and dental hygiene and so may not always be significant but form and color are the main things here, as well as the general structure of the teeth. Vata types may have spaces between teeth or buck teeth. Kapha has large, white, attractive teeth. Pitta types suffer more from inflammatory diseases of the mouth, as elsewhere.


V—Thin, small, flat, hunched


K—Broad, thick, firm 

Vata types, as they are dominated by fear, tend to have hunched shoulders and tight muscles. Pitta generally has the best build as they do not tend to either over or underweight.


V—Thin, small, narrow, poorly developed


K—Broad, large, well or overly developed

Vata types have a narrow epigastric angle. Kapha types usually possess a broad one. Pitta types have a medium size epigastric angle.


V—Small, thin, dry, cold, rough, fissured, unsteady

P—Medium, warm, pink

K—Large, thick, oily, cool, firm

Kapha types have big, square or round hands without many lines. Vata tends towards narrow hands with many lines and with pronounced knuckles or irregularity in the shape of the fingers. Veins will also be prominent on the hands in Vata types. Pitta types have warm hands even in cold weather.


V—Small, thin, long, dry, rough, fissured, unsteady

P—Medium, soft, pink

K—Large, thick, hard, firm

The dryness of Vata often manifests through the feet, which need to be oiled regularly. Pitta types will have good skin tone and circulation even in the feet. Kapha types have a thick skin on their soles and generally large feet.


V—Small, thin, dry, unsteady, cracking

P—Medium, soft, loose

K—Large, thick, well built

Vata people are well known for prominent joints. This is because their lack of weight allows the joints to be exposed. Kapha types have larger joints, but these may be obscured by surrounding tissues. The oily nature of Pitta affords them softness of the joints, which may also be loose.


V—Small, thin, dry, rough, fissured, cracked, darkish

P—Medium, soft, pink

K—Large, thick, smooth, white, firm, oily

The nails show the general state of our nutrition, our mineral absorption and bone metabolism. This is usually poorest in Vata types. The nails become rougher and more Vata as we age or after debilitating diseases.




V—Scanty, difficult, colorless

P—Profuse, yellow, red, burning

K—Moderate, whitish, milky

Urine analysis is an important diagnostic tool in Ayurveda. Vata has bubbly or frothy urine, which may be difficult to discharge. Pitta has more urinary tract infections. Kapha has thick urine possibly with mucus in it. 


V—Scanty, dry, hard, difficult or painful, gas, tends towards constipation

P—Abundant, loose, sometimes yellowish, tends towards diarrhea, with burning sensation

K—Moderate, solid, sometimes pale in color, mucus in stool

This is another of the main factors in constitutional determination. Kapha people may have constipation from slow metabolism, but the stool when it does come out will not be hard. It will be abundant and soft. Pitta types may get constipated during fevers, but otherwise tend to be loose. Chronic constipation, particularly in the elderly, is Vata. 


V—Scanty, no smell

P—Profuse, hot, strong smell

K—Moderate, cold, pleasant smell

Sweating can be influenced by many factors like temperature and diet. Meat eaters will sweat more than vegetarians will. Such factors should be taken into consideration. Vata people seldom sweat. Pitta types tend to sweat a lot, particularly when exposed to heat. Kapha types will sweat a lot when they exercise, but not otherwise. Generally, emotional distress will cause more sweating to occur. Spontaneous sweating or autonomic sweating in conditions of emotional distress is usually Vata in nature.


V—Variable, erratic

P—Strong, sharp

K—Constant, low

This is one of the best long-term indicators of the constitution. Vata types have extremes of appetite, either no appetite or extreme hunger. When hungry they get light-headed and fearful. Kapha types have a consistent, but not high appetite and like to be around or working with food. They are attached to food. Pitta types are often able to digest almost anything and can eat large amounts of food without gaining weight. They have very strong appetites and get angry when they haven’t eaten.


V—Prefers sweet, sour or salty food, cooked with oil and spiced

P—Prefers sweet, bitter or astringent food, raw, lightly cooked without oil or spices

K—prefers pungent, bitter or astringent food, cooked with spices, but not a lot of oil

This reflects the taste preferences of the Doshas when relatively in balance. If there are toxins in the system (Ama), the sense of taste may be perverted and become opposite what they should be. Culture and conditioning also have their effect here. Most people prefer sweet food. This is better judged not as the tastes that people like, but the ones that make them feel better and healthier.


V—Poor, variable, erratic

P—Good, warm

K—Slow, steady

Vata people have poor circulation and may be prone to palpitations. They have cold and dry extremities and abdomen. Pitta people have excellent circulation and may be prone to flushing up (red face). Kapha people have low but consistent circulation. When overweight, their peripheral circulation will be poor with cold limbs, but their abdomen tends to stay warm.



V—Quick, fast, unsteady, erratic, hyperactive

P—Medium, motivated, purposeful, goal seeking

K—Slow, steady, stately

Vata types generally exhibit some extreme of activity. Their hyperactivity may however bring them to a state of exhaustion, withdrawal or paralysis. Or their extreme mental activity may cause outer activity to be reduced. Pitta types are only active towards a particular aim. They are focused, but not necessary broad in what they attempt. Kapha types are steady, but not always adaptable in action and may get caught in a pattern. They may not want to act very much or very often.


V—Low, poor endurance, starts and stops quickly

P—Medium, intolerant of heat

K—Strong, good endurance, but slow in starting

Vata types are often good runners and can develop a good deal of physical adaptability. They are poor at lifting or carrying weight, however, and tire easily. Pitta people like to demonstrate their power and domination, but may not have as much endurance as they want. Kapha types have good endurance, but not necessarily high performance.


V—Variable, erratic, strong desire but low energy, few children

P—Moderate, passionate, quarrelsome, dominating

K—Low but constant sexual desire, good sexual energy, devoted, many children


V—Fear of cold, wind, sensitive to dryness

P—Fear of heat, dislike of sun, fire

K—Fear of cold, damp, likes wind and sun

Vata types have the greatest sensitivity to the elements and must protect themselves properly from them. Kapha types do well outdoors, but prefer to sunbathe or relax rather than work or exercise. Pitta types are most tolerant of cold.


V—Poor, variable, weak immune system

P—Medium, prone to infections

K—Good, consistent, strong immune system

Vata types tend to come down with whatever diseases are around and may develop chronic conditions. Pitta types have trouble with infections, bleeding and febrile diseases. Kapha types are able to resist most diseases, but those of a damp or phlegmatic nature can strike them hard.


V—Nervous system diseases, pain, arthritis, mental disorders

P—Febrile diseases, infections, inflammatory diseases

K—Respiratory system diseases, mucus, edema

Vata types suffer from pain and are very sensitive to it. Their diseases mainly involve the bones and nerves, mainly through the large intestine. Pitta types suffer from fever, inflammation, burning sensations, and diseases of the blood and liver. Kapha types are susceptible to congestive disorders, particularly diseases of the lungs.


V—Quick, low dosage needed, unexpected side effects or nervous reactions


K—Slow, high dosage required, effects slow to manifest

Vata types tend to be hypersensitive and may overreact to things. Often their reactions to herbs or drugs is extreme or erratic. We should give them medications in small dosages first and increase gradually. Subtle medications like aromas, spices or gems can affect them strongly. Kapha types may need strong dosages or therapies to notice any effect.


V—Thready, rapid, superficial, irregular, weak/ like a snake

P—Wiry, bounding, moderate/ like a frog

K—Deep, slow, steady, rolling, slippery/ like a swan

The quality of the pulse is the most important thing. For Vata, it is thin and erratic. For Pitta, it is wiry and bounding. For Kapha, it is slow, broad or deep. See also course section on Pulse for more information.




V—Low, weak, hoarse

P—High pitch, sharp

K—Pleasant, deep, good tone

Tone of voice is influenced by strength or weakness and other transient factors. Kapha people have beautiful voices and make good singers, like opera singers. Yet they may lack in energy and motivation. Pitta people make good orators and make strong singers, like rock singers. Vata people have a monotonous tone of voice and not much strength to it.


V—Quick, inconsistent, erratic, talkative

P—Moderate, argumentative, convincing

K—Slow, definite, not talkative

Vata people are hyperactive in speech and may ramble on and on. They may at times become silent, though they may still be talking in their minds. Kapha people are hypoactive in speech, but like to draw out the state of communication. They like to be with people without necessarily saying much. Pitta people like to talk at rather than with others and are generally trying to prove a point or criticizing something.


V—Quick, adaptable, indecisive

P—Intelligent, penetrating, critical, logical

K—Slow, steady, deep, dull

Vata people have quick, but often superficial minds. They are better at information or abstract thought and are good at being able to look at a number of points of view. Pitta people manifest their intelligence through a questioning nature and often have a probing or scientific bent. They are better at ascertaining goals or values. Kapha people may be good at broad principles with strong sentiments and much consistency in their views. Yet they may be poor at details and are dominated by their feelings.


V—Poor, notices things easily but easily forgets

P—Sharp, clear

K—Slow to take notice but will not forget

Kapha people remember personal feelings, love and sentiments, intimate human interchanges. Their memory is colored by emotion. Pitta people remember hurts and insults, but also victories and achievements. Their memory is colored by their will. Vata people remember ideas, information, or trivia but are very sensitive to personal remarks.


V—Fearful, anxious, nervous

P—Angry, irritable, contentious

K—Calm, content, attached, sentimental

This factor is of great importance. Vatas ungroundedness always tends to breed fear. Vata people are not always highly emotional, but are nervously sensitive and so may show shifting reactions, either thoughts or emotions. Pittas vehemence causes anger and a strong display of emotions. Kaphas settled nature breeds attachment and sentimentality.

However, we each possess all these emotions, and each of them can turn into the other.


V—Hysteria, trembling, anxiety attacks

P—Extreme temper, rage, tantrums

K—Depression, unresponsiveness, sorrow

Vata tends toward extreme emotional expressions, often along with loss of sensory or motor control, to the extreme of tremors or convulsions. Yet these emotions are generally transient and superficial. Pitta types have anger attacks or temper tantrums. Kapha types become chronically depressed, lethargic or sorrowful.


V—Flexibility, adaptibility

P—Fearless, courage, daring

K—Calm, contentment

Each doshas emotional potential has its positive side as well.


V—Erratic, changeable, rebel

P—Determined, fanatic, leader

K—Constant, loyal, conservative

Vata people are unsteady and easily go contrary in their faith, which may be constantly changing. Or they may have faith in many different things. Pitta people may apply their faith in a strong manner that may become aggressive. Kapha people like to stick to their faith, whether it is good or bad and often have an unquestioned sense of loyalty. They can be attached to the status quo.


V—Light, tends towards insomnia

P—Moderate, may wake up but will fall asleep again

K—Heavy, difficulty in waking up

Sleep is an important physical and mental indicator. Vata types with more air and ether have a hard time sleeping. Almost anything disturbs their sleep or wakes them up. Pitta types often have dream-disturbed sleep. Kapha types with more earth and water sleep easily and may tend to sleep during the day also. Vata tends to sleep less than four hours at a stretch; Pitta four to seven; Kapha can sleep for eight to ten hours.


V—Flying, moving, restless, nightmares

P—Colorful, passionate, conflict

K—Romantic, sentimental, watery, few dreams

Vata types have the most dreams, which are often erratic or disturbed. Pitta types have the most colorful or dramatic dreams, but they may disturb their sleep, particularly when they are violent. Kapha types are least able to remember their dreams, but may have a vague sense of pleasure from them.


V—Likes moving, travelling, parks, plays, jokes, stories, artistic activities, dancing

P—Likes competitive sports, politics, debates, hunting

K—Likes water, sailing, flowers, cosmetics, cooking

Vata types are diverse, curious and erratic in their habits, sometimes eccentric. Pitta types are purposeful and competitive and seek results and achievements. Kapha types like to luxuriate and relax.


1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Vata-Pitta

5. Vata-Kapha

6. Pitta-Kapha

7. Vata-Pitta-Kapha

What Dosha type are you?


The Three Doshas


The Mind