Meditating on single-syllable or bija mantras:
Sit in a comfortable position, choose a mantra or sound from below, and start to silently repeat the sound on the exhale.
OM is the most important mantra. It represents the Divine Word itself. It serves to energize or empower all things and all processes. Therefore, all mantras begin and end with Om. It clears the mind, opens the channels and increases Ojas. OM is an important healing sound. It is the sound of affirmation and serves to awaken the positive life‑force necessary (Prana) for healing to occur.
RAM: (with an a‑sound as in father). It gives strength, calm, rest, peace and is particularly good for high Vata conditions and mental disorders. These include insomnia, bad dreams, nervousness, anxiety, excessive fear and fright. It also strengthens and fortifies Ojas and strengthens the immune system.
HUM: This is the best mantra for warding off negative influences attacking us, whether disease-causing pathogens, negative emotions. It is the best mantra for awakening Agni and for promoting the digestive fire. It is good for burning up Ama and for cleansing the channels. It increases Tejas and the perceptive powers of the mind. It is sacred to Shiva and is the sound of Divine wrath.
AIM: (pronounced like aym). This is the best mantra for the mind, for improving concentration, thinking, for rational powers and for improving speech. It awakens and increases intelligence (buddhi). It is helpful in mental and nervous disorders for restoring powers of speech, communication, control of the senses and mind, etc. It is the sacred sound of the Goddess of Wisdom, Saraswati.
SHRIM (pronounced shreem). This is the best mantra for promoting general health, beauty, creativity and prosperity. SHRIM strengthens the plasma (rasa) and reproductive fluids (shukra) and increases overall health and harmony. It relates to Lakshmi, the Goddess of health, prosperity and fertility. It has a cooling lunar energy.
HRIM: (pronounced hreem) is a mantra of cleansing and purification. It gives energy, joy and ecstasy, but initially causes purification. It aids any detoxification process. It is the mantra of the Divine Mother or the Great Goddess as the original caretaker for all beings. It has a warming solar energy.
KRIM: (pronounced as in our word cream). This mantra gives the capacity for work and action and adds power and efficacy to what we do. It is good for chanting while making preparations as it allows them to work better. It has a lightning force.
KLIM: (pronounced kleem) gives strength, sexual vitality and control of the emotional nature. It increases Kapha, shukra and Ojas. It grounds us and gives us balance. It has a deep watery energy.
SHAM: this is the mantra of peace and can be used generally for promoting calm, detachment and contentment. It is good for mental and nervous disorders, for stress, anxiety, disturbed emotions, tremors, shaking or palpitations. It is particularly useful in chronic degenerative nervous system disorders.
SHUM: (pronounced as in shoe but with the vowel not drawn out very long). This mantra increases vitality, energy, fertility and sexual vigor. It is the mantra for shukra.
SOM: (pronounced like home). This mantra increases energy, vitality, joy, delight and creativity. It increases Ojas and strengthens the mind, heart and nerves. It is good for rejuvenation and tonification therapies and has lunar energy.