April 2022 : Deeply Curious
Opening to curiosity : Curiosity is what drives all creation, innovation & research. Can we let go of our inner critic and instead open ourselves to greater levels of curiosity.
Over the course of the month, ask yourself : What is the intention behind the things I create?
The intention behind our practice this month is to assume the role of the student. Can we stay in childlike curiosity and allow the depths of our creativity to stir and move us. Can we explore the spaces where our inner and outer worlds dance. When we stop and dare to listen to ourselves, we embody all that is possible. This week, can you walk so silently that the bottom of your feet become ears. Can you build an authentic relationship with your curiosity.
Group exercise: Gather friends for dinner, share your work and ask them for feedback in the form of questions. Remember to use questions over judgments or opinions. There is no need to answer the questions in the moment. Note them down as you receive them, and continue with the sharing circle. You can come back to these questions in your own space and time.
We’re naturally prone to give our opinions, judgments and critiques. We like to voice our likes and dislikes. Consider asking yourself questions and see if this may be a better form of feedback.
Join us live Thursday April 14th for a free 30 minute meditation & creative practice. Simply email IN to hi@withinwithout.co.uk & we’ll send you the link to join the zoom call 7 PM BST & 2 PM ET, anyone & everyone is welcome!
Women In Art:
Celebrating Women in Creative Spaces :
This week we are highlighting the work of Elsa Muñoz, a Chicago based artist.
“This is a conversation that goes beyond the art world,” Muñoz said. “I'm interested in the language of deep ecology, and the starting point is that we have to be in touch with our own pain in order to feel sensitive to what is going on in the world around us — the pain of other people and the pain of the Earth. And the starting point for that is to simply be in touch with our own grief first. It sounds so simple, but it is so anti-Western. It's not about consumption. It is not about accomplishment. It's about sitting with this thing that hurts you — identify it and work through it and not go around it.”
Herb of the Month:
Lemon Balm / Melissa Officinalis
Improves memory and concentration, soothes stress and relieve nervous headaches. Lemon balm is used to reduce the effects of anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
Herbal Tea: 1 handful of Lemon Balm, 1/2 handful of Mint, 1/2 handful of Rosemary cover with hot water & brew for 3 minutes.
It’s also an excellent plant for attracting bees into the garden. It was called Melissa by the Greeks, as the word means honey bee. Bee keepers still rub their hives with lemon balm to attract bees!
Notes from Iona
As both a creative and creative enabler how do you combat the times when one is taking precedence over the other?
I’ve been trying to reframe this, to ask myself; how I can find ways so that the one feeds the other. For me, this involves a moment of reflection, to witness who is in the driving seat - is it the artist, or the enabler & champion to others creativity? It’s my responsibility as an artist to create healthy boundaries so that my creativity has the space it needs to flourish. In much the same way, I see it as my responsibility as a creative enabler to come with an overflowing cup. I take time for myself; the more I slow down and connect with myself the easier it is to find a source of inspiration within. Once connected to that source I can choose to channel it into my creative pursuits or to champion the pursuits of others. So regardless of which is taking precedence I trust it to overflow & serve both.
(Thank you Samuel for this question).
What’s new in the world of Within Without?
We are planning our first day retreat in the UK, alongside friend, photographer & Zen practitioner Kasia Murfet. We will explore meditation, creative process and herbal remedy making. If you have recommendations for spaces in Cornwall, please let us know!
Calling all writers, poets & lyricists to jump on a monthly call with Julia from Valley of Av & I to share a work in progress with a small group, so that we can workshop our words together (Spanish & English).