The Growth Pathway
We’re giving up waiting, we’re giving up wishing, we’re giving up hoping that we’ll be discovered or that there’s a higher possibility, and we’re stepping into our power to be able to create it.
Make a Commitment to Realise a Bigger Vision for Your Life
To use our power to fully step into this opportunity, the first thing we need to do is step into an even bigger vision of our life, and make the commitment to realising it. Erma Bombeck, a famous American humorist and writer, and a brilliant woman who was ahead of her time said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I want to be able to say I used everything you gave me.” I love that quote because I feel like it speaks to the deepest yearning that we have. We feel these gifts, these talents, these possibilities inside of us, and the privilege of a lifetime is the opportunity to make them manifest in the world, and in our lives, in concrete, tangible experience. And not just the potentials, but the full manifestation of those potentials in ways that impact other people. The yearnings you feel in your clearest moments—your heart’s desires, your soul’s potentials—those are real, and many of us haven’t let ourselves feel the depth of those yearnings because we haven’t been able to see the pathway by which they could come to be until now. We haven’t let ourselves reach higher and open our hearts to possibility because we didn’t want to fail, and we didn’t want to be disappointed, and we also weren’t really sure if it was possible, and wondered if maybe we were deluded about the difference that we could make. That’s why you haven’t let yourself fully feel and sense and go for the greatest possibility of your life.
There are these internal barriers, and there are external barriers, like maybe we don’t know anybody who is doing the things we’d like to be doing in our lives, so we don’t see it modelled for us. This is why the pathway to your destiny is always going to require you to leap, not to gently wade in. Because your destiny, and these things that are the stuff of your heart’s desire, that are the stuff of your truth and your soul’s potential, they are in your future, they are to be created, and they will require a path of growth to make them manifest.
Nobody who has realised their destiny, and has made these potentials manifest in their lives has done so without being intentional about it, without making a commitment to it, without in fact making this the organising principle of their lives. This is what is primary and will determine the course of the rest of your life. It’s not your talent, it’s not your education, it’s not your life experience, and it’s not your current opportunity; it starts with your commitment. Say to yourself: “I don’t know what’s possible, but I’m going to find out, and I’m going to make realising it the North Star of my life.”
Before this course, what are the ways you’ve been settling for less or playing small in your life up until now? And what’s that been costing you? And if you truly believed in yourself, believed in your gifts and your talents, and that life is organising around your success, in this moment, what’s an even bigger vision for your life, or for an area of your life that you can commit to creating?
Your destiny isn’t written. Your destiny is a field of potentiality you have the opportunity to create in, and we feel most alive, and we feel most ourselves, and we access the meaning, the fulfilment, the magic, and the beauty we’re yearning to experience when we are reaching for it. Think about the times in your life where you’ve felt the greatest sense of meaning, the greatest sense of aliveness, the greatest sense of purpose. Hasn’t it been when you’ve been striving for greatness, when you’ve been reaching higher, or when you’ve been creating something beautiful for other people?
I want you to reflect right now, and with all the courage you can access, write down an even greater vision for your life that you can commit to creating. The pen is in your hand and you are a powerful creator, so journal about this.
I invite you to right now make a commitment. Even though you can’t see how to make it happen, make a commitment to step into making this possibility manifest in your life, a commitment to go for the gold. You don’t need to know the way to get there to make the commitment. In fact, the way will not fully appear until you make the commitment. Make a commitment to yourself to make realising your destiny the organising principle of your life, your North Star, and be willing to grow yourself, to make choices, and take actions aligned with this commitment. What will matter most when you look back at the end of this life?
Live your life for that moment. Make decisions with an awareness of that moment, and take some time over the next few days to journal about it.
The second step to making the leap into your destiny is becoming a master creator. The first shift to practice in your life in an ongoing way is to always pay attention to your yearnings. Always come back to recognise that your destiny is not a linear process, and that your deeper yearnings are the seeds of your potentials, and that your inner GPS knows the way to your larger destiny. Notice if you have a tendency to go into scarcity, to go into reaction, to go into control, to go into fear of missing out, and be mindful of where your attention gets pulled. Always come back to where you’re connected to your own power as a creator, connected to your inner resources, your genius, and your gifts.
I’m connected to the energy and intelligence of life, the sense that all of life is organising around my success. I’m able to access resources. I know that I have everything that I need to realise the greatest possibility of my life. So, come home on a regular basis to this consciousness of your own power.
Set your focus for your life from this place of being connected to creator consciousness. Come back to your destiny intention. Your focus and the things you’re up to creating in your life are sourced from this creator consciousness, and listening to your deeper desires. So take a moment to go back there. Take a moment, stepping into: “I’m a powerful creator; I have everything I need to realise the greatest possibility of my life.”
What is it that you deeply desire to create next? Listen to yourself and write down what you desire to create next.
Connecting to creator consciousness, listening to yourself, setting and sourcing your focus, and trusting in your deepest yearning “I’m a powerful creator and I have everything I need to realise the greatest possibility of my life, and see that I can let go of control, I can let go of fear and scarcity, I can move into listening and receptivity, and then I can connect and I can source my creation from here.”
Break through Your Inner Glass Ceiling
The big idea is that anything you’re striving for that is worthy of your aspiration is going to be at a level that is greater than you’ve been able to realise in your life so far. And the primary constraint to you being able to manifest that higher possibility in your life is not a lack of opportunity, it’s not a lack of resources, it’s an upper limit or an inner glass ceiling in your consciousness. It’s an old story and old ways of being that have been closing down or pushing away those opportunities or possibilities up until now.
There are places within ourselves where we have a lot of creativity and a lot of power, but we lose access to that creativity and that power in the areas where we struggle to create it. Connecting with your strengths and your resources, connecting with who you are in your most powerful place, and bringing it together with the part of you that might be stuck in an old story of not being good enough, of not being safe, of being too much, of being invisible, of being alone, of being not wanted, or being a burden.
All of those old stories are meanings that were created by a part of ourselves at a much younger age. So we’re breaking through, and we’re having to grow and expand our sense of who we are and what’s possible in this area by accessing all of our inner strengths and resources. Simply step into a new story about who you are in your power to succeed in the area of your intention. Think about what you want to create, stepping into the part of yourself that is powerful, that has access to wisdom, that has access to resources.
Connecting Within
This is an ongoing cultivation of our power to be able to create from the inside out, so we absolutely must forge an unshakable connection to an intelligence in the universe that is bigger than our own mind to access the deeper source of knowing, of creativity, and to have the courage and the confidence to show up and take the risks, and create in these ways at the level of destiny.
What does your inner wisdom tell you is your next step that you’re not yet acting on? Write that down.
Our intuition is already very powerful. What isn’t powerful is our self-trust, and our ability to have confidence to act on what we know. Listening to your inner wisdom right now, what is your next step? From this place of connection, what action can you commit to and take as your next step?
We’re shifting out of isolation—this old idea that we need to do it all by ourselves, as opposed to becoming masters of being able to receive and generate support.
What starts to happen, is our light starts to shine, and then we start to come up against all of the external reasons why we haven’t maybe felt safe or comfortable shining fully, and we’ve been dimming it down. It’s time to give that up and turn that dimmer switch to the full light of our brilliance, of our power, of who we are. There are two great keys: The first key is to become truly visible in our life as ourselves. We want to radiate our essence qualities that differentiate us. It’s almost like the process of becoming visible and having our light truly shine is just so we can step forward as ourselves in the most powerful way that we can, by purposefully expressing those qualities that most represent who we essentially are.
If you think about who you are when you are most yourself, see if you can find three words that most define that or most express that. If you think about your destiny intention, and you think about who you are fully expressed, what are three of the core qualities that most express who you are?
The second key is about creating a culture that celebrates the brilliance of others. We can support that by letting our light shine in two ways—by being the light, and by being the mirror that reflects the light.
Finally, we’re stepping into being the creators of the future, we’re stepping into identifying with who we’re becoming, we’re stepping into seeing the pathway to our destiny as a pathway of growth, and we are actively cultivating, each and every day, who we are becoming.
We become who we would be if our destiny had already manifested. And then we expand and stretch each and every day of our lives to grow into the person we’re becoming.
Stepping into yourself, say, “I’m a powerful creator, I’m coming home, I’m sourcing from my deeper desires, I’m breaking through my inner glass ceiling, I’m stepping into who I truly am in the new story of my power. I’m connected to my deeper knowing, to the support of life. I can connect with my deeper desires, my inner knowing, and have the courage to act on it. I can create in my field of relationships. I can access the resources and support. I can step forward. I can let my light shine, and I can amplify others. Each and every day I’m stepping into the practice of who I am becoming in my life, and I’m cultivating and growing my capacities and my talents and my skills.”
If you had the power to impact and influence and change the world for the better, what would you create?
We are here to create the future of our world together. This is your world, this is my world, this is our world, and we have a voice and we have a say in how this goes down on planet Earth.