I would love to invite you to open up an even deeper space for learning and growth.
I am so happy to be here with you. Over the course of 12 months we will be overcoming blocks to creativity and breaking through old stories and patterns, connecting with our inner knowing and sourcing deep creativity, and creating the container and chrysalis which will allow the conditions for our great work to be birthed into the world.
Make a Commitment to Realise a Bigger Vision for Your Life:
The first step is to think about what your vision is and to be making a commitment to grow into that vision for the kind of work you want to be doing or the kind of change you want to be making in your own life. It’s to come with a commitment and with some intentionality about the ways you want to grow and develop being here.
It might be that you feel a much greater potential for the impact and the contribution you can have. I want to invite you into becoming intentional about expanding your power to impact, to be intentional about growing your skills, to be intentional about clarifying your vision if you’re here to discover your purpose and your work.
What do you want to create or what’s your vision?
The problem is that for most of us our expectations and our sense of what’s possible is only a fraction of what is in potential. We are living in a time of unprecedented opportunity. We are more connected than we have ever been in human history as a result of the internet and as a result of technology. Each of you has the opportunity to reach people with your voice, with your message, with your work across the globe.
Research from Harvard University shows that unconsciously the average person is influencing a thousand other people without even realising it. In a wonderful book called “Connected.” It reveals how your friend’s friend’s friends influence everything that you think, feel, and do.
The research shows that we are unconsciously influencing people three concentric circles deep. Can you imagine the kind of impact that can happen when we consciously awaken to and cultivate a sphere of positive influence? I want to invite you just to step into this and I want to invite you to open up to see how many people you’re already connected to, who you already have the opportunity to influence without even trying.
In this field of expanded possibility, ask yourself;
If you had the power to create any kind of change on planet Earth, what would that be?
What’s the transformation if you had the power and if you knew you could not fail, that you would create?
I want to challenge you to expand in this resonant field of amplification and open up the possibility to deepen your vision and sense of what’s possible. I invite you to imagine what it looks like, feels like, sounds like to step into this larger impact and contribution even if it’s just a feeling or a sensation.
We want to be in a space of creative play, exploration, and discovery, and see what we can dive into. Sourcing from deep creativity allows us to overcome the paradox that plagues many successful people; “I’m smart. I’m accomplished. I have so much to offer. I have so many successes to be proud of,” and on the other hand, “I feel powerless to create the things that I most deeply yearn for.”
Is there an area in your life that feels unfulfilled? It could be that you wish;
To become more authentically confident and visible,
To deepen artistic talents,
To create loving, growth-oriented relationships,
To unleash our gifts and our purpose,
To step into deeper levels of spiritual connection,
To experience radiant health and vitality
To have prosperity that’s aligned with our values,
To be able to manifest our desires for fun and creativity.
Together we will overcome some key energetic and emotional barriers in the way of creating what we most desire. From working closely with some leading transformational coaches I’ve seen how deeper blocks and barriers, the old stories about who we are, and what is and isn’t possible, get in the way of connecting with our creativity. Some blocks that come up again and again, are;
Shame is fundamentally the way in which we unconsciously make meaning about the things we struggle with as being attributed to who we are versus our behaviours. And one of the biggest differences between women and girls versus men and boys is that women make shame-based meanings 80% more frequently. When we encounter setbacks or we come across things that we’re not good at, we make it mean, “It’s because of who I am.” To awaken the power to grow, expand, and step into these higher possibilities, we must identify, unleash, and transform these deeper stories, that are usually outside of our conscious awareness. As we move away from shame, which is a contraction, a disconnection, and a separation, we will stop this pattern of trying to create from the weakest part of ourselves.
Then the second biggest power block is lack, this disconnection from a higher power, trying to figure it out from our mind and being disconnected from our deeper desires, being disconnected from our inner wisdom. Again, what disrupts lack are deeper questions that reconnect us with our knowing, with our self-trust, with our confidence to act.
And finally, isolation. This is another out-picturing of the old power system, it’s our inability to identify our needs and access resources. Together we will break up these old patterns.
Becoming aware of the Possible:
What is it that you most deeply desire to create?
What is it that I most deeply desire to create, to experience, to express?
Listening to yourself, if you believed in yourself and you believed that life was organising around your success, what is it that you most deeply yearn for?
The thing that I love about that question is it’s impossible to answer from your head.
That’s why it’s one of my most powerful questions I want to share with you:
What is it that you most deeply desire?
What is it that you most deeply yearn for?
And rather than thinking about the answer, actually being able to listen to yourself and being able to feel, because what that starts to connect you with your “deeper potentials” rather than “surface level wants,” because there’s something that’s much deeper happening than the surface level goals.
We’re going to create the space, and ignite potentials by bringing awareness to deeper desires, which is what starts to activate them. When they are felt and they are named, they begin to grow and they begin to be ignited.
Describe your desire in sensory-based language:
What does it look like, what does it feel like? Describe your vision as though you could see it on a movie screen. What’s the picture? What are you doing? And how do you feel when you are in the fulfilment of that vision and can step into it?
If you’re here and you’re resonating with this it’s because there is something awakening in you that is really extraordinary, and I want to make clear that;
You’re not struggling to find your purpose because you have nothing to offer, you’re struggling to find your purpose because you have so many gifts, and there is so much opportunity. You’re not struggling in your relationships because you can’t find someone just to be married to, you’re struggling because you’re yearning to have a true soulmate relationship with someone who can be a partner in growth and self-actualisation. You have likely had a lot of courage to leave the known world behind and not follow traditional paths, and that’s created a lot of challenges. You aren’t struggling with finances because you can’t get a job, it’s because you’re feeling like you have to bring your livelihood into alignment with your values, and there’s not yet a clear pathway for how to do that.
So the problems we’re having, they’re new challenges that come with new opportunities. And what I’ve found in my work and teaching is that making this shift to creating from presence is of utmost importance. We will shift where we’ve been sourcing power, and shift our whole orientation in how we’ve been creating.
When I use the word “destiny” what I’m speaking about is the full embodiment of what is in potential. That is the destiny of something. So, it is the destiny of an acorn to become an oak tree. It is the destiny of a rose seed to become a rose. It is the destiny of a caterpillar to become a butterfly. The deeper seeds of possibility are within us. If what is in potential has the right fertile conditions, it will become made manifest.
Success in our time together, and where I’m going to be focusing you as your guide on this journey, is to bring forth and be practicing in such a way that you can make manifest concrete, tangibly in your life the things that represent the true potential and possibility of who you are. We will be creating from the inside out.
Putting everything to one side, and taking a nice, deep breath.
I want to invite you to imagine yourself a year from now. Stepping inside your future self, feeling yourself having the power to presence yourself in the world. Feeling authentically confident, visible and seen, expressing and showing up in your life as the most powerful version of yourself.
I want to invite you to step into and feel what it feels like to be in healthy, secure, empowered dynamics in your relationships, with a life partner if you choose, or family members and friends—close, deep, unshakable bonds, where you feel unconditionally loved for who you are, and fiercely supported to become the best version of yourself.
I want to invite you to step into and imagine what it would feel like to be deeply aware of what your unique gifts and talents are, and to be giving them to others in ways that they are recognised and valued, and received.
I want to invite you to experience this sense of having enough financial resources that you have what you need to thrive, that you’re in an empowered relationship with all of your ability to create prosperity and prosperous flow in your life.
What does it feel like to have more than enough?
What does it feel like to be able to powerfully generate the financial resources you need to thrive, that your family and loved ones need to thrive?
I want to invite you to see yourself creating fun, play, self-expression, feeling vital, healthy, and alive.
I want to invite you to imagine yourself in your own life being able to align your actions and your values, empower others, and make the world a better place.
I want to invite you to begin to see and catch a vision of who you’re becoming.
Take a moment to journal from that visioning; what you saw or what you felt or what opened up.
Journal Prompts:
What are some of the talents and skills I feel called to use in the world?
What am I most passionate about?
How am I mysterious to myself?
What would I do if I knew I could not fail?
What old habits or beliefs do I need to release in order to enter my higher purpose?
How do we prepare to live a fuller life, one that can enhance not only our own life, but that of our family, our community, our planet as well?
How do we discover our highest purpose and live from it with beauty, energy, power and grace?
Introductory Exercise:
Taking a piece of paper and drawing down the length of the paper three long columns:
In the first column: “What do I want from the universe?”
Then in the 2nd column:“What does the universe want from me?”
Then in the 3rd Column: “What do we—the universe and I—want together?”
And spontaneously write down a pure stream of consciousness answering these questions.
Then begin each day: What is my purpose in living my life this day?
You can do this same exercise every day if you want—three columns: 1st Column: What do I want from the universe? Writing spontaneously the answer. 2nd Column: What does the universe want from me? Write down the answers. 3rd Column: What do we—the universe and I—want together?
Stay with that during the day.