Creating Foundations so that we:
Have clarity about purpose and mission.
Knows what their greatest gifts are and how to develop them.
Understands the audience they’re deeply here to serve—those who their entire life has prepared them to impact.
Has found their voice and is a powerful transformational communicator.
Is able to use speaking, writing, and storytelling skills to motivate and inspire colleagues, teams, collaborators, and the audience they’re here to impact.
Understands how to ignite collaborations, as well as negotiate and engage tensions and conflicts that deepen alignment and creative power.
Knows how to create things that have high impact and value, and that meet the mark for others.
Has developed the mindsets for success, so they can do the least to create the most impact.
Has the power to grow, evolve, and become who they’re meant to be.
Has launched their work in the world through a project or business, so they have a context to contribute, serve, and succeed at the highest level.
Step 1 - Identify the Old Story
Think of a topic or area of your life where you feel stuck or challenged, and would like to move forward. Then reflect on the following questions to identify the old story:
What meaning have you been making about yourself, the situation, or the setback?
What’s the fixed mindset meaning you’ve been making?
What’s been the story about yourself that you may have been in?
Step 2 - Identify the New Story
Reflect on the following questions to identify the new story about the setback, failure, mistake, or breakdown:
What is the new story about the setback - from a growth mindset?
What is the new meaning about this situation that would support you to feel empowered to move forward?
Step 3 - Harvest and Compost the Learnings
Reflect on the following questions to identify learnings and opportunities from the setback that can potentially propel you forward:
What can you harvest and learn from this setback that you could use to propel you forward?
What do you know now that you didn’t know before?
What are three things you discovered about what not to do?
What is the growth opportunity from the breakdown or setback as it relates to fulfilling your creative vision?
What can you draw on from this experience that will give you more power to generate your creative mission?
What will support you to leap forward in response to this situation?
What new opportunity has opened up here?
What is most valuable about this as it relates to your vision?
How can you respond to this situation in a way that will support you to leap forward?
Step 4 - Actions to Move Forward
Write down actions that will support you in using the learning from the setback to move forward in this area.