Create Living
We have broken through our inner glass ceiling, we have forged an unshakeable connection with our inner wisdom, and now we begin manifesting and birthing our great work into the world.
You have made such a deep and powerful shift to be sourcing power from inside of yourself, to be cultivating an unshakable connection to the self in your body, the deeper truth of who you are; stepping forward as a co-creator, manifesting through the field of relatedness, letting your light shine, and stepping courageously into the future. The nature of destiny, of manifesting your greatness, is about creating the future. It’s about putting forth possibilities that have never been before.
I want to invite you to put everything to one side, and take a nice, deep breath, bringing your awareness from wherever it’s been far today, back deeply inside of yourself. Stepping into your identity, stepping into seeing yourself as a powerful creator, and with each breath, expanding outward to the edges of the room, connected to all of your inner gifts, talents, genius, who you are when you’re making a powerful contribution to other people. Expanding outward to the edges of the room, moving into listening, receptivity.
The nature of the universe is infinite, creative potential. That is the essence of your nature, you are an infinite, limitless creator, with access to an unlimited supply of creative ideas, a limitless supply of love, a limitless supply of empathy, a limitless supply of possibility, of power to create. Never before has there been this possibility to use our creative ideas to manifest and generate this kind of impact.
The founders of NLP, Milton Erickson, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, were extraordinary geniuses in their field. They studied language patterns and asked: Does genius, does creativity have a pattern? Are there any patterns that underlie these experiences of extraordinary human creativity?
What they found is that people who were good at particular things processed in a particular way, and people who were maybe not as good at those things didn’t have a good strategy. I really want to land this point because it shows that creativity is something that we can learn firsthand.
For example, if you’re a good speller, I’m going to guess that you see the letters when you’re spelling. Or, if you’re a bad speller, you probably try to sound out the word. What they found was that really good spellers have a visual spelling strategy, and people who were not great have an auditory spelling strategy. I share this story with you because one of our biggest obstacles to tapping into creativity, is that we have developed an identity about things we are not so good at, as opposed to learning a new way of approaching it.
Creative Inquiry:
Let’s make a twofold intention, to express myself and to express my unique gifts and talents in ways that create tremendous value for other people. It’s important to understand the relationship between you, your gifts and talents, and the relationship with who it is that you want to serve. It’s an awareness of the gifts and talents that we have to give, plus an awareness of who it is that we’re serving,
Creativity that’s valuable has movement, it moves people, it’s going somewhere. A book that’s hugely successful, or an idea that expresses the author’s unique insights and genius in a way that intersects with an immediate and urgent problem for them, that moves them somewhere new.
Let’s work with the first practice, which is to open up our senses. Feel an experience of you expressing your love, your energy, your creativity, and feel it being received by those that you are here to serve. This is very much you being expressed, but also, you being received, and you impacting others.
Into this container, opening up your inner eyes, listening with your inner ears, becoming aware of all the feelings and sensations in our body.
I want to invite you to imagine yourself feeling a texture. It could be you’re petting your cat or dog, and feeling the texture of their fur, it could be running your fingers over some sandpaper, just to feel the roughness of that sandpaper, it could be imagining yourself putting your feet in a really cool stream, and feeling the coolness on your feet. opening up this sense of feeling, being able to feel. Going to sound, hearing the sound of deep, tribal drumming, hearing the sound of a saxophone playing jazz, hearing a beautiful aria from the opera, activating this sense of hearing. Opening up smell, smelling freshly ground coffee, smelling jasmine in the breeze, or another fragrant flower, smelling freshly cut grass opening up the sense of smell. Opening up the sense of taste, drinking some fresh orange juice, biting into a crisp apple, taking a bite of your favourite food, whatever that is, opening up the sense of taste. Opening up your vision, imagining a beautiful mountain meadow, seeing that beautiful mountain scene. Imagine you’re at the ocean, looking out to the horizon, super expanded.
And then, bringing in an expansion of awareness you have an open channel from which to generate ideas as sounds, as images, as feelings, as sensations, and anything else that you can imagine. We want to activate our senses, as we go through the exploration here, we’re not thinking about the answers, we’re sensing the answers on all of these channels. This is where we start to practice knowing through our different senses, we’re opening this up.
If you think about a time when you were creating value for other people, see if you can distill it, what did that value look like? What did it sound like? What did it feel like? What images are associated? If it had a rhythm, if it had a texture, what’s something that is characteristic or new about the value that you create?
Make a movement that captures the value that you bring. We’re using our other than conscious intelligence to start to bring awareness through this movement. Make a movement that captures the value that you bring.
This is a journey of discovery. You want to take the pressure off yourself. This is why being in creative play is really important. We’re going to let go of control. We’re going to move into the I wonder stage. The I wonder stage here is really, really, really important. This is a place you’re going to stand from a place of I wonder.
So, I wonder what I can create? I have my gifts. I have a sense of my destiny audience. If I bring both of those together, I wonder what I could create?
Reflect on the places where you feel most like yourself, alive, courageous and giving your gifts, genius and talents.
Answer the following questions:
Who you know yourself to be when you feel most like yourself...
Who you are when you feel most alive..
Who you are when you are loving courageously..
Who you are when you’re giving your gifts and genius..
Clarify the following:
Your gifts, talents, genius and life experience
Who is your Destiny Audience?
What is your Destiny Contribution?
Create a mission statement that reflects who you most want to influence to have what kind of transformation
Practices to connect with your essence qualities:
Reflect about a time when you expressed courage.
Reflect about a time you took a chance for love.
Reflect about a time when you stood up for something that you believed in.
What do you most care about?
When you leave this world and look back what will have mattered most about your life?