Setting Intentions
Finding Areas of Focus:
I want to invite you just to put everything to one side, take a nice deep breath, and bring your awareness back to yourself. Breathing all the way down to your hips, down to your legs, down to the soles of your feet, and into the Earth. We’re going to start today, and I’m going to guide you through a process of connecting to your most powerful self.
I want to invite you to connect to the part of yourself that is powerful, who has gifts, who has talents, the part of you that shows up for other people, the part of you that shows up in your profession, or as a parent, or when you’re serving or helping someone.
Breathing into who you are as a friend, who you are as a partner, who you are as a parent, who you are when you’re expressing your creativity.
Breathing into who you are when you feel connected to a higher power, stepping back to a really powerful spiritual experience you’ve had, or an experience of feeling connected to nature.
Stepping into a time where you felt like you had resources and you had support in your life.
This is your Creative Presence Power, and you’re going to be deepening and cultivating it throughout the course. Notice how this feels in your body, what it feels like to be connected to your strengths, connected to the energy and intelligence in the universe that’s bigger than you, and connected to the truth of the profound field of support and resources that you’re inside of.
From here, I want to invite you to begin the process of connecting to your deeper desires, and asking yourself the following questions:
“What is it that I most deeply yearn to experience in the area of confidence?”
Imagine you’re just turning towards the yearnings that you have, the yearning to be visible, to be seen, to take up space, to be recognised, to be valued, to have a contribution. Imagine that you’re turning toward the deeper desire that you have in this area, and breathing into the centre of it, becoming curious about it.
Love and Intimacy
Bringing your attention to the next area, to love and intimacy, and becoming curious about the yearning that you have to experience intimacy, support unconditional love, partnership, sexuality.
If you’re in a romantic partnership, feel the yearning that you have for deeper trust, for safety, for connection, for partnership.
If it’s an area of your life you want to create partnership in, feel the yearning for that, become curious about it. If you don’t have a yearning for romantic partnership, feel the yearning for intimacy or relationship closeness, connection, support in whatever form it takes. Become curious about it.
Coming to the next area of our life, purpose, the contribution of your gifts, your genius. You have gifts, you have talents that are needed, feel the yearning to discover or contribute your gifts.
Asking yourself the question: “What is it that I most deeply desire to experience, to express in the area of my gifts and my purpose?”
Bringing your attention to the next area of financial empowerment, prosperity: “What is it that I yearn to have or experience as it relates to financial resources?”
Let yourself feel these deeply. No judgment, no need to move into strategy, just asking yourself the question: “What is it that I most deeply yearn to experience, to express, to create in this area of my life?”
Health and Vitality
Become curious about your desire for health and vitality, to feel at home in your body, to feel healthy, vital, and well. “What is it that I yearn to experience in my relationship with my physical well-being and self-care?”
“What do I yearn to experience in the area of creativity—fun, play self-expression, my home, artistic expression, my ideas in the world?”
“What is it that I yearn to experience in this area of my life?”
So this area of creativity, being able to express your ideas, your own unique energy in the world. The yearning that you have to deepen spiritual connection, spirituality, to forge an unshakable connection to a higher power.
Where you have a connection to the infinite within yourself, where you feel connected to a life positive, energetic support from an intelligence in the universe bigger than you, feel the yearning for your spiritual life. Let yourself feel it, be curious about it.
And finally, I want to invite you to feel your yearning to be able to be a vehicle of positive change in the world, to have a voice, to make a difference. The yearning that you have to lift others up around you, and to be able to make the world a better place. On whatever level, large or small, to feel like you’re making a difference, what’s the yearning you have in this area?
Notice which areas have the most energy, the areas that you feel a sense of excitement and aliveness when you connect with them. Notice how they might be different from the goals in your mind.
I want to invite you to bring awareness to maybe two of these key areas of your life. This is the area I want to encourage you to focus to set an intention for our time together.